Výzva ke spolupráci na studii PAN-COVID
Univerzita Imperial College London žádá o spolupráci porodní asistentky (porodníky, neonatology, neonatologické sestry) s přístupem k dokumentaci na studii PAN-COVID.
Jedná se o globalni registr potvrzených COVID-19 případů během tehotenství a porodu a vyplnění dotazníku.
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you very much for expressing interest in the PAN-COVID study. I would be grateful if you could share details of the study with an interested colleagues. We would be very interested in wide global participation.
Below, are approved key study documents which would enable an organisation/individual to consider the study and to seek local study approval and to commence study set up.
After that we would ask for a letter of approval from your local research department/ hospital/ university, which will enable us to give you access to the database and start.
Please let me know if you are interested in taking part in the study and I can advise further.
Kind regards,
Alison Perry
Project Manager PAN-COVID
Lead Research Midwife and Manager
Women’s Health Research Centre (WHRC) Imperial College, London
email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. or follow us on Twitter: @PANCOVIDreg
t: +44 203 313 5281
1. Ethics SA01 Approval Letter (REC)
2. HRA Approval Letter
3. Ethics Approval Letter (REC)
4. HRA SA01 Approval Email
5. Consultee Information Sheet v2.3
6. PIS Early Pregnancy
7. Patient Information Sheet v5.1